Friday, February 8, 2008

The Cast of Characters

Here is the list of the team members that are working on the Lilly Clergy Renewal project along with the skills they bring to the team.

Brenda: Brenda is a CPA that specialized in not for profit audits while working for a huge accounting firm. She is currently employed by World Vision and works in grant compliance (she looks at lots of grants and grant proposals).

Glenn: Glenn is an educator and elementary school principal. He has taken classes in writing grants and was successful in getting a grant for his former school. The grant was to enable the students to broadcast their own daily “news” program over the school’s television system. Glenn is very creative (it was his idea to have a blog for this process). Glenn has served as an Elder at Evergreen Presbyterian Church.

Tony: Tony is a lawyer by education and served in various capacities in the Washington State Senate (from being legal counsel to the Senate to being the highest non-elected person in the Senate). He is a critical thinker and a dedicated Presbyterian. He is currently employed by our Presbytery. Tony has been an Elder at Evergreen and is our clerk of Session (keeps the minutes).

Joy: Joy is a journalist by education. She is a skilled writer and a critical thinker. She has served on the local school board for several terms and has seen many grant proposals. Joy is the office administrator at Evergreen.

Lance (that’s me): I am the pastor at Evergreen Presbyterian Church. I have been at the church for 11.5 years. I am a visionary who gets bogged down with the details. I feel that I am the least skilled for this process of the whole team. I bring the unique perspective of being the pastor of the church.