Friday, June 19, 2009

"...everyone did as he saw fit."

Inconsistency. Faith when it is convenient. Such are the history of God's people through the time of the Judges. The people worship whatever god they desire. Inevitably, enemies make life difficult for the Israelites. The people call out to God when things get some bad that they cannot take it any more.

The book of Judges ends with this quote: "In those days Israel had no king, everyone did as he saw fit." Notice, people did not do what Yahweh (YHWH)saw fit. The people turned from YHWH. Other gods were worshipped.

As I await the beginning of my extended vacation, I continue to grieve for the Presbyterian Church (USA). The quote from Judges seems to fit the PCUSA perfectly. Admittedly, the rank and file of the denomination love God and desire to follow his commands and decrees. And yet, many in leadership forsake the commands and decrees of YHWH, following their own ideas and beliefs--doing as they see fit.

I just finished reading the beginning of 1 Samuel. Hannah had been unable to have children. She prayed to the Lord asking for a child--promising to give the child to the Lord's service. She conceives and gives birth to a son -- Samuel. Hannah remembers her promise and give Samuel to Eli--the priest. As a mother, I am sure that part of Hannah wanted to keep the child. However, she was true to her commitment and gave the child to the Lord! God blessed Hannah be allowing her to have other sons and daughters. By following the way of the Lord -- not her natural way -- she was blessed by God.

It is my prayer that during the upcoming time of rest and refreshment that YHWH will draw close to me so that I can follow his ways--forsaking my own thoughts and ideas and cling to his commands and decrees.

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